Double Digits!

I am so excited to have reached new strides with my running this past week. I pushed myself into the double digits and logged 10 miles for one run. I still can’t believe I managed to run for so long and actually enjoy it. Towards the end, I honestly thought, “who is crazy enough to do this?” and then I realized, apparently I am. Running has definitely become a great stress reliever, especially after a long day at work. I work in customer service and love helping people, but by the end of an eight hour shift, I can’t wait to have some time to myself. Having always been just a sprinter, I never enjoyed long runs, but now I have to say they are my favorite part of the week. (**Note to self: Take a bathroom break before running, if not it is definitely not as enjoyable!) I had a chance to just clear my head, explore new paths, and think about whatever random topics popped into my head.


Some other news… I decided to order myself a FlipBelt. (I am not in any way associated with the company, just very excited about the product.) It’s this super nifty belt that holds your phone, keys, energy gels, and anything else you may want to put in for your run. They come in several different colors, but personally I like the charcoal. My sisters say that it’s just a runner’s fanny pack, but hey I like it so it’s fine by me. Yesterday, I finally went on my first completely hands-free run and at first it was a little weird, but I definitely enjoyed it. My phone didn’t end up covered in sweat and I worked harder because I didn’t get distracted tracking my mileage. I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested and look forward to many more ventures with it.

Summertime 555


I’d like to leave you all with one of my new favorite songs. It’s great for belting out on car trips or when I need that extra little push during a long run. Enjoy! 🙂

Watch the lyric video for Girls Chase Boys by Ingrid Michaelson now!