Fourth of July

I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth! To be honest, I didn’t really do much. I was up for work at 4am, napped for three hours when I got home, and ate two hot dogs because heck yes, ‘Merica. Anyway, it was a very relaxing Independence Day and I did get the opportunity to see some fireworks – on TV, but it still counts – and both Zac Brown Band and Ariana Grande’s wonderful performances for the Macy’s 4th Fest. Both sounded fantastic, and I was so happy to hear two of my favorite songs.

I am a huge Ariana Grande fan! I think she is an amazing singer and absolutely inspirational.

I did take the opportunity to enjoy today as a rest day, especially after having a crazy 8-hour shift in the sub shop this morning. I baked over 300 rolls! Trust me; it takes lots of time and patience. But, I did have some awesome workouts earlier this week and am getting both excited and nervous as my half marathon grows near. I feel good about the progress I’ve made and am planning for another long run either tomorrow or Sunday afternoon, following work. Below are my workouts from the past three days.

Tuesday: timed 2-mile on hills; ab/leg work

Wednesday: 5-miles (dropped my pace! Whoo!)

Thursday: 10x100m; 75-jog, 25-walk back; lots of passing/shooting for field hockey

  Additionally, in the spirit of the Fourth, I have set four goals for myself for the rest of 2014. They are as follows:

  1. Make Dean’s list fall semester
  2. Compete in a 10k, since I’ve never done one
  3. Become and stay organized
  4. Limit myself to donuts on Mondays. (I think I’ll be okay not getting one anytime I want an inexpensive snack at work. Though maple glazed cinnamon rolls are my favorite…

I’m also getting excited for school to start in the fall. Honestly, I’m more interested in hockey season, but I am working to be more organized this year. Today, I bought myself a planner for the upcoming year and am going to sit down and start filling it out tomorrow. I am looking forward to color coding, adding stickers, and making my year that much more manageable…more to come on that as I progress. Also, my room is freshly painted and redesigned and I can’t wait to post photos of that too. Happy Birthday America! 🙂